Dietmar & Odile
The holographic team
Odile Meulien Öhlmann
Born in 1957 in France, Odile is a French American sociologist, who got her diploma with honour at the University René Descartes in Paris.
She collaborated on several projects on Art and Science with René Huyghes, an Art Historian, President of the French Museums, and Member of the French Academy, as well as Laurent Bussaut, a cineaste.
In 1982, she co-created the Art, Science and Technology Institute, ASTI and its Museum of Holography in Washington, DC.
During the 10 year she managed it, she met the pioneers of the holographic community.
Dietmar Öhlmann
Born in 1961 in Niedersachsen, Dietmar is an artist and Media Designer, who study physics in Germany and passed his Master of Art at the Royal College of Art in London.
He always dream to paint with light, after the school of art in Chester and the Polytechnique in Liverpool where he got his degree with Honour, a grant to study holography give him the possibility to explore the creative aspect of this media of Light.
There, he met and exchange with a variety of international artists, inspiring each other.
Winner of several awards like the ”Mercantile competitions” of the Ile of Man, he got many exhibitions in England, America and Europe and wrote several papers.
Odile und Dietmar
At the beginning of the 90ies, they joined their forces and from their Braunschweig base.
Since 2009, the wonderful nature of the Ortenau region, where Odile and Dietmar moved, inspired them new creations and new educational programs far from high tech, going back to their life search about “when the mind touches an object”.
List of Exhibitions
2020 bis 2022

Light reflection

None-Hologramm Raben
50cm x 100cm

None-Hologrammes Lichtspiele
50cm x 100cm

Karlsruhe, BKV

after corona

after corona
2018 - 2020
SOLO Exhibition 2019
Lumiere Lumiere
„Le Tilleul“ Bibliothèque, Lipsheim France, 2019

Odile, Dietmar, et René Schaal,Maire de Lipsheim
Bibliothèque, Lipsheim

None-Hologrammes et peintures
Bibliothèque, Lipsheim

Expo Lumiere Lumiere
Pfad , Seed & Woman am See

Seed, Woman am See

Hologrammes analogues, numériques, Holo-painting
Bibliothèque, Lipsheim

Watercolor on paper

light Impression
Öl auf Leinwand. 150 x 100 cm

Ortenauer Impressionen
Öl auf Leinwand. 100 x 100 cm Keilrahmen3,8

Water reflection
Öl auf Leinwand.80 x 80 cm Keilrahmen
“Le tilleul” Bibliothèque de Lipsheim
The paintings, sculptures, holograms and non Holograms of Dietmar Öhlmann are brought together for the first time side by side in a single exhibition. Here, the works, in all their forms, make us penetrate this other universe of the visible, open our minds, let us experience new perceptions and invite to creation
2016 - 2018
Lineage 2016 bis Ortenauer Impressionen 2018

Ortenauer Impressionen

Ortenauer Impressionen
Öl auf Leinwand.100 x 100 cm Keilrahmen 3,8

Exhibition City Museum Aveiro
Holography and Lightpainting

Holography and Lightpainting

Holography and Lightpainting

Lineage 2016
List of Exhibitions 2015 - 2019:
- 2018 “Ortenauer Impressionen,“ painting by Dietmar Öhlmann, Kunst im Areal Offenburg, 2.- 9. Dezember
- 2018 “Ortenauer Impressionen,“ painting by Dietmar Öhlmann & crafts by Odile Meulien, 1.- 2. Dezember, Avis aux artistes, Pavillion Joséphine, Strasbourg
- 2018 “Heilung – back to life,“ Hologram and painting by Dietmar Öhlmann, City Museum Aveiro, Portugal from 25 june to 30 september
- 2017 “car pong,“ kehl Auenheim 10th Anniversary Riverside Ortenau am 8.7.
- 2017-18 “Schwarzwälder Originale,“ Ausstellung im Badischen Kunstverein Karlsruhe
- 2016 “Lineage, Bilder einer Reise ins Ich”. Materializing on paper the multiples level of inner nets and dreams, by DÖ, Exhibition by OM in Praxis Anneliese Tschenett, Roschein, France
Lesen Sie unser Blog

DLR Hannover
3D Display und Video

Exhibition and training Groupe Scolaire Jean Monet

3D Recording

Projekte mit der Region
List of Exhibitions 2011 - 2014:
- 2011 „Il faut voir pour le croire“, Exhibition and training Groupe Scolaire Jean Monet, sponsor DRAC et FRAC, Strasbourg ,France Discover the art, science and techniques of 3D visualisations, experiment new perceptions, and produce 3D images.
- 2011 „L'univers de la réalité virtuelle avec et sans lunettes“ Facultés des sciences Semlalia, Université Cadi Ayyad , Marrakech, Maroc. When new 3D media technologies offer a palette of possibilities . Advantages and constraint of the different variations in regards of teaching programs.
- 2011 „ Les images en 3D“ FMJC, Lautenbourg, France. Teaching program How to read an image, what wedo we see and do not see, and practical creation of 3D images on the local historical environment.
- 2011 „ Projets Hologrammes, art et science“ The pupils present their 3D works and explain their experience to other pupils in a forum of science, Exposcience, Geispolsheim, France
- 2011 „ Les images en 3D„ FMJC, Lautenbourg, France. Teaching program and exhibition „How to read an image, what do we see and do not see „ with practical creation of 3D images about the local historical environment.
- 2011 “Video Sculpture” with 3-D Glasses free Panels and Cinema 4D Illustration, e.g. for DLR at the f-Cell Stuttgart
- 2013“Video Sculpture” with 3-D Glasses free Panels and Cinema 4D Illustration, e.g. for DLR at the Airport Stuttgart
Projekte mit Schulen und öffentlichen Organisationen brachten inspirationen für Jugend und Eltern.
some of Dietmars work in collection.
2005 -2010

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

Synthetische-4-dimensionale Hologramme im Druckformat

List of Exhibitions 2005 - 2010:
- 2005 „Micro Hologram“ Inside a holographic dot; hologram and nanoscopy of a hologram, an installation which shakes the view, and questions the mind, West Photonics, San Jose California, and Canadian presentations in Montreal.
- 2005 „Winner of Innovation Award“, Projekt Region Braunschweig 2005, Numerous exhibitions and presentations in Braunschweiger Land and surroundings.
- 2006 Synthetische Hologramme, eine neue Generation von Bildmedien, Braunschweig, Goslar, Hildesheim etc.
- 2007 „Hologramme im Phaeno“, Special exhibition from first holograms to new generation of digital synfogrammes and especailly the famous work „Phaeno“ created by D Öhlmann a real ………. Wolfsburg , ref:„Ingeborg Reichle, Steffen Siegle, Masslose Bilder, Visuelle Assthetik der Transgression„ Dr. Nicole Stöcklmayr
- 2007 Wissenschaft trifft Rock `n Roll - Videoclip-Videokunst - MTV und Viva, Eve Champagne, Aktion „Stadt der Wissenschaft 2007 Braunschweig“, Dietmar Öhlmann und Odile Meulien Öhlmann im Roten Korsar. Creation of a 7 secondes video in 4D of a cabaret band.
- 2007 Frühlingsgefühle im E.Werk Osterwieck,Harz, Körper in Raum und Zeit – Aquarelle, None-Hologram- und 3D-Video-Objekte, Germany
- 2007 „L’autre Perspective… en 3D“, stereo, anaglyphe, lenticular, hologramme, synfogramme, and more, Centre Culturel, Niedebronne les Bains, France.
- 2007 “Philiber” and “IAV” synfogrammes „ Fascination Light EU“, optics, light, digital world and future visualization, Bruxel
- 2007 Synfogramme im Kanzleramt (DLR zeigt gemeinsame Arbeiten)
- 2007 Synfogramme in Detroit, USA, mit IAV Gifhorn-North American International Auto Show (NAIAS)
- 2007 „ZeitwildnisHarz, Synfogramme in Torfhaus“ Digital hologram created with a one year series of photos, shows the 4 seasons of the nature in one single picture, Nationalpark Hartz.
- 2008 DGS Kongress in Bautzen, Germany. Exhibition and seminar, from the traditional 3D stereoscopic techniques to the new digital holographic recording, Parallel and differences.
- 2008 Braunschweiger Kulturnacht, Bildende Kunst, Synfogramme-Bilder aus Zeit und Licht, Musik und mehr.
- 2008 Sonderausstellung 3D Kunst, Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsvereinigung, organisiert von der CDU Braunschweig
- 2008 Synfogramme for Voith Talco in Salzgitter, Illustrationen des Talgo Express
- 2009 “Video Sculpture” with 3-D Glasses free Panels and Cinema 4D Illustration, e.g. for DLR at the Airport Stuttgart, Hannover Messe
Zwischen Kunst, Design und Wissenschaft
2000 - 2005

None Hologram
Exhibition Braunschweig

None Hologram
Exhibition Braunschweig

None Hologram
Exhibition Braunschweig

None Hologram
Exhibition Braunschweig

None Hologram
Exhibition Braunschweig

None Hologram
St Polten, Österreich

Millenium Braunschweig
Kunst und Oper
List of Exhibitions 2000 - 2005:
- 2000 “Multiples realities”, Installation with Holo-scultpures, none Holograms. Body, wave and expression formed a continuum of flow, with continuously changing reflecting light. Permanent collection, Millenium GmBH, Braunschweig.
- 2000 “The None Holograms” series “Holography 2000”, international exhibition of recent works from 30 artists and 16 countries. Stadtmuseum, St- Pölten, Austria
- 2001 “The Beauty”, Multimedia performance to enter the 5th dimension. Crossing dimensions and realities, with a figure once real once virtual, passing from a Video as computer animation, on stage, to the audience where it disappears. Millenium GmBH, Braunschweig
- 2001 „Dietmar Öhlmann Retrospective”. Exhibition of sketches, photos, sculptures, paintings. Millenium GMBH, Braunschweig
- 2001 “Experience Holography” exhibition and workshops for children, Lehndorf School, Braunschweig When art, science and technique meet to stimulate perceptions and animate new motivation to learn.
- 2002 „Experience the Light“ Genesis, Video and light Installation by DÖ at the Pyramide, Kulturnacht, Braunschweig coordination of the exhibition OM with participation of light designer, painter, and Tibetans chore and music.
- 2004 “ Nanu-Nano lichtskuplturen und installation” video, when new technology extends perception beyond natural limits of the sensory organs. Artist, D Öhlamnn and Physicist Hans Danzebrinck, PTB, Brauncshweig.
Between 2000 and 2005 Dietmar&Odile created lots of regional events with the support of Werner Lindeman, owner of Millenium GmbH Braunschweig.
1995 - 2000

Tunnel des Lichts

Tunnel des Lichts

Tunnel des Lichts

Exhibition Braunschweig
Licht in Raum und Zeit

Brücke des Lichts

Let it Flow
Soinderausstellung Holography

Let it Flow
Soinderausstellung Holography

Let it Flow
Soinderausstellung Holography
List of Exhibitions 1995 - 2000:
- 1995 The “Scream” Self portrait of Dietmar Öhlmann confronted to himself in multiple Dimensions "Let There Be Light”, The National Museum of Photography, Film & Television Bradford, England
- 1996 “Genesis” at the beginning was one light, installation with hologram and conference at "Space in Plane - Plane in Space", Hungarian Museum of Photography, Kecskemet, Hungary
- 1996-1997"Crystal of Light", outdoor holography and laser light installation in an ancient archeological excavation Kohlmarkt, Braunschweig, Germany
- 1997 "Tunnel of Light", Fifteen meter long holographic and light installation, for a benefit Concert for Bulgarian Children having cancer. Installation Sponsored by Coburn, Inc. Overwhelming sensations, let the public experiences another world. Millenium GMBH, Braunschweig, Germany
- 1997 "Raumgefühl", Light sculpture, ceramic and holography, Bilderhaus Treysa, Schwamstadt, Germany
- 1997 “Brücke des Lichts” Interior Design, Room as holographic light sculpture, Millenium Braunschweig, ASTI Collection curated by Odile Meulien
- 1998 „Let it flow“ Exhibition of the International Collection of Holographic artworks and new works of Europeans artists with lectures curated by Odile Meulien Millenium GmBH, Seminars on holography and lasers by Dietmar Öhlamnn Braunschweig, Germany
- 1999 „Le Souffle“ Multimedia installation, with fire, video and holographic material, what is reality?, Millenium GmBH, Braunschweig.
- 1999 “Brücken in eine neue Welt” preparation of the exhibits’ visualization, part of the EXPO 2000, Wolfenbuttel.
Between 1995 and 2000 Dietmar&Odile introduced Holography + Art to Braunschweig and the Region.
1990 - 1995

RCA-visiting HBK
Ausstellung und Vorlesungen organisiert zwischen den beiden Schulen in Braunschweig und London.

RCA-visiting HBK
Ausstellung und Vorlesungen organisiert zwischen den beiden Schulen in Braunschweig und London.

"Human in Hyperspace"
Catalog Ljubljana

Design Braunschweiger Fantasie Award

Facing the incedible

Facing the incedible
List of Exhibitions 1990 - 1995 Dietmar Öhlmann:
- 1990 Holograms Exhibition, Academy of Art (H-B-K:), Braunschweig, Germany. Dietmar Öhlmann-artBridge-1990- organized the Exhibition with the RCA London, Degreed students of the holographic Unit of the RCA and the HBK Braunschweig. He invited Prof. Rod Murray and Dr Martin Richardson for lectures and workshops.
- 1990 “Human in Hyperspace series” Studio Exhibition of Holograms, Royal College of Art, London, England
- 1991 “Mathematical construction” and The “Cube” presented at actual Tendency of Holography in Germany, Modema Galerija, Ljubüjana,Yugoslavia. Curators: Peter Zec, Igor Zabel and Nives Zupet. Artists: Brigitte Burgmer, Georg A. Eisenhut, Ingenieurbüro Geiger, Itoko Ishihara, Andreas M. Kaufmann, Dietmar Öhlmann with his holographic light sculpture “The Cube” when a dot of light becomes an infinity in a cube), Vito OraZem & Thomas Lück, Carlo Schmelzer and Irmfried Wöber. Moderna Galerija,
- 1991 “Pyramid” and “the Cube” „ Scultpure of glass and mathemathical construction of light captured in a holographic element, Neue Tendenzen in der Deutschen Holografie“ Städtische Galerie Sole1, Bergkamen, Germany
- 1991 "Octagon" "Architectural installation" of glass, light and holograms, Retails Design and Interior Design International ", Earts Court' Exhibition Centre, London England
- 1991 "New Designers 91", Islington Exhibition Centre, London, England
- 1991 " Human in Hyperspace” The optical art series about Perception of human in a different time-space-continuum, “4th Symposium of Holography", International Jury Exhibit, Lake Forest, Illinois , U.S.A
- 1992 “Human in Hyperspace and the “Scream" exhibited at The Earth and the Frequencies of Life", ASTI- Art, Science and Technology Institute, Holography-Museum of the 3rd Dimension Washington, D.C., U.S.A
- 1992 The “Cube” and “Pyramid" Avanguardia dell'Arte Olografica", Rocca Paolina, Perugia Italy
- 1992 "Holograms by Dietmar Öhlmann" One man show, private gallery Braunschweig, Germany
- 1993 "Computer Generated Holograms", The beginning of a new era of digital holographic work, CeBit 93, Hannover, Germany
- 1993 “Human in Hyperspace”, series of Human bodies and fractal compositions in a time space continuum. "Computer Art/Arte Digital', Goethe Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 1994 “Mirror of light” the feeling of having a floating image there without hologram , or the reflection of a transparent sculpture out of metal grid, at The 5th Symposium of Holography", International Jury Exhibit, Lake Forest, USA
- 1994 « The Scream » and « the Lens » Variations of the self portrait of the artiste in the 5th Dimension. "Holographia 2000", Maison Internationale de l'Holographie, Paris, France
Before 1995 Dietmar made his study at the Royal College of Art in London, while Odile has been running the Museeum of Holography in Washington DC.
1980 - 1990 Washington DC

Art, Science and Technology 1986
Washington DC

Art, Science and Technology 1988
Washington DC

Art, Science and Technology 1989
Washington DC
List of Exhibition Odile before the 1990:
- 1981 „Art and Space“ exhibitions and conferences programs with art historiens, artists and Astronautes, and exhibition of holograms, Paris, France
- 1982 „Art, Space and Oceanography“ projet of exchange between art science and Technique, Paris, France with participation of océanographe, astronautes, art historians, with exhibitions of ESA underwater mateiral ad NASA imagery.
- 1986 „Wonderlight“ price for „The BEST“ of Washington DC, for „Intriging Exhibit“, Washington,D, USA
- 1989 „ The wonderlight Collection and Russians Works“ ASTI, Washington,DC
- 1990 "Hologram: Image of the Futre" Holography World ASTI, Techworld,Washington DC
- 1991 „Art, Science and Technology Award“, Encouragement to artistic creativity, scienctific and technical developement of holography, ASTI , Washington,DC
- 1992 the earth and the frequencies of life, ASTI Washington,DC
1980 - 1990 Braunschweig bis Liverpool
List of Exhibitions Dietmar before 1990:
- 1985 Open Air Exhibition of Large Format Photography, Cultural Centre, “Türkisches Jugendzentrum Hamburger Strasse”, Braunschweig, Germany, project from the HBK
- 1986 Open Air Exhibit of Photographic Installation, Chester College of Further- Education, Chester, UK
- 1987 Painting Exhibit, at the "School of Art", Liverpool, UK
- 1988 Dietmar Öhlmann 1st price winning with is “light cube the Mercantile Overseas”, school of Art, Liverpool. Erection of a Holographic Light Sculpture, for the 'Mercantile Overseas Bank", Isle of Man, England
- 1989 "The Surreal Object", Tate Gallery, International Fine Art Exhibition, Liverpool, England
- 1989 Founding "artBridge" with international artists studying at Hope University and the Art school of the Polytechnicum. Organizing international exhibitions to bridge art and industry, Liverpool University, England and Haifa, Israel.
- 1989 "The 5 th Dimensional Theatre", when reality is created by communication, Holographic Installation with bodily interaction, School of Art, Liverpool, UK
Dietmar und Odile
Recognitions and Foundings

1989 created Dietmar Öhlmann with 8 Artists and the international Student Union Liverpool University the Group artBridge.

Syn4D GmbH
Auszeichnung durch Walter Hirche, Minister für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr im Kaisersaal Goslarp

Mercantile Overseas Group
Price Winner Isle of Men.
- Winner of the Mercantile Competition, Liverpool England, November 1989.
- Global Image Award 1991, Royal College of Art, London, England, June 1991
- Direct Grant Award, Museum of Holography, New York, USA, June 1991.
- Selected at the Jury Exhibition of the 4h and 5th International Symposium of Holography, Lake Forest, Illinois, U. S.A., 1991, 1994.
- Was offered a Travelling Grant from the Sokoloff Foundation, New York-, USA, 1996.
- Artist Grant from Lake Forest College, 1997, USA.
- Artist Grant from the Shearwater Foundation, USA for the 7th symposium of Holography in St- Pölten, Austria
- Artist Grant from SPIE – Photonics West 2005, “The Micro Hologram”, Installation 120x50cm presented in Canada, Montreal private galleries, UQCLA, in West Photonics, San Jose, CA, USA, artists grant from SPIE.
- Innovatives Niedersachsen und Projekt Region Braunschweig GmbH fördern innovative Geschäftsideen, Preisträger des regionalen Ideen-Wettbewerbs „Idee : Gründung = Erfolg2“ 2006
Syn4D GmbH
The holographic team

Presse, Veröffentlichungen, Konferenzen
- “Did you say Multiplexe? The New Trend of Holography in London” – Interferenzen – 1st quarter 1993.
- “Future Tense, Call for a new generation of artist”, SPIE Proceeding, Volume 2333, 1995
- „Holografie Ausbildung und Kultur“ – Interferenzen 1997
- “Tunnel of Light”Vol.3358, 1998, “Mirror of Light” , Vol. 4149, 2000- St Poelten (Austria) July 2000
- “The Matrix of Inspiration/ the Micro Hologram” 2005, Vol. 5742 SPIE holography group/ search “inside a Hologram” 2005. San Jose CA USA
- « The Micro-Hologram »–co-author « experience defocalisation « San José, California, West Photonics, SPIE proceedings Vol. 5742. 2005
- “Applications of Syn4D holographic prints”, co-author, proceeding 4th International Forum Holoexpo July 2007- Moscow, Russia.
- Holography, 60years of History » Stereoscopy 3D, Fraunhofer Institute, Berlin, August 2007.
- Synfograms: a new generation of Holographic Applications”, co-author, Holopack-Holoprint proceeding on CD, Hong Kong, 18 November 2007
- Synfogram: New creation and applications in 4D” for “3D Today event”, November 28, 2007, Munchen
- Syn4D displays for a new generations of Holographic Applications”, SPIE Europe, Strasbourg, April 2008. SPIE Proceeding. Vol 7001.
- “Synfograms: Inscribe Space/time information for museum” conference "Holography in the Modern Museum" of the Royal Photographic Society Holography Group at De Montfort University in Leicester - September 2008. UK.
- Studienprojekt „Theorie und Praxis der Fotografie“, Einsatz des Mediums Großfotografie in der Jugend-/Ausländerarbeit, Projektgruppe der Hochschule für Bildende Künste unter Thilo Rösler, 1982 Articles about art and applications of media published in German and English publications. Co-editor of the magazine "Interferenzen" as vice president of the DGH (German Association of Holography) 1997 & 1998.
- Faszination 3-D, Multimedia Hologramme. Amiga magazine April 1993
- Computer_Art_Faszination, Buch, 1993
- Computer Art: DOT-Dotzler, Frankfurt 1994
- Future Tense, Call for a new generation of artists SPIE – 1994
- Der Weg Zum selbstdesignten Hologramm – Computer Design Magazin, 1995
- What is my mind? Where is my mind? International Workshop and exhibition, Denis Gabor award,Kecskemet, Hungarian, June 96.
- Tunnel of Light, SPIE 1997
- Mirror of Light, SPIE 2000
- Genesis, artBridge, 2002
- The Matrix of Inspiration SPIE 2005
- Inside a Hologram, Newsletter, Holography group, SPIE, Vol.16, No1, June 2005
- Leonardo, Vol. 39, No2, MIT Press Journals, April 2006
- Workshop Synfogramme- Holografie in Bewegung, Kompetenzzentrum Virtual Reality, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Nov. 2008
- MIT Press Journals, Leonardo April 2009, Vol.39, No2, Pages 182-183
Publication X
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The matrix of inspiration

The Matrix
1989 created Dietmar Öhlmann am Royal College of Art

The Cube
1989 created Dietmar Öhlmann 50x50x50 cm
The matrix of inspiration (Proceedings Paper)
- Authors: Dietmar Oehlmann, Odile M. Ohlmann, Hans U. Danzebrink Published 21 April 2005
- Proceedings Volume 5742, Practical Holography XIX: Materials and Applications; (2005)
Abstract: The research of Odile Meulien and Dietmar Ohlmann is about perceiving a multidimensional world. Not about the cyberspace created for new cinema creation, nor the reality which seems to be created by communication. It's the search for the reality we perceive, when the mind "touches" an object with its senses. In fact, it is a study of the surface of an object, which we can record in its visual appearing, its structure, shape and colors. When using photographic media, the tactile sense of the structure is missing, when using some other reproductive media; we experience somewhere a sensation of fault, something different.
When using holography, we are able to record some three dimensional shape which has in fact a lot of parameter of a realistic copy. What is missing is the touch, the smell, the way we can go close and far, surround the object, relate the reflected light to its surrounding. The only interesting attribute of a hologram is for Dietmar Ohlmann its capacity to illustrate a continuum. He likes its changing diffractive character during daytime and surrounds lighting.
For Odile Meulien the continuum of a hologram represents a new possible model for understanding wholeness in a social context. In fact, both are working on an educational process together, helping children and adults to find a new position of their own in harmony with living surrounding. Dietmar Ohlmann is working on his artistic side, while Odile Meulien works on educational programs experiencing the perspective of a curator and social analyst.
New is the implication of using the latest of the techniques like the atomic force microscopy, which make possible to touch the holographic grating while the holographic image remains untouched. In other words it is the reverse of the usual approach of objects which at first we touch to investigate further. Their difference in experiencing and perceiving scientific and technical approach brings a lot of paradigm in their discussion. Together they will perform this exchange, as a matrix, understood as source, of new ideas.
Publication X
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Future tense: call for a new generation of artists

The Sun
1989 created Dietmar Öhlmann am Royal College of Art
Future Tense
Future tense: call for a new generation of artists
- Authors: Dietmar Öhlmann
- Published 17 February 1995, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 2333 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 1995), pp.119-122.
Future tense: call for a new generation of artists (Proceedings Paper)
Abstract: Some people try hard to educate others about the beauty and technical benefits of holographic applications but another generation is already waiting to learn more about the media which talk to them about the future. Today the most common question is 'How can I do holograms with a computer?' 'Can I do it with an Amiga?' For the MIT specialists these are now very simple questions. We can expect to see the present shape of the holographic laboratory pass into history. I personally like to work with a VHS camera and mix it with CAD/CAM images, but computer and video are not the only media which will change the face of holography. The He.Ne. will be exchanged by diode laser. In a wavelength of 690 nm, some of them bring 40 mW in single mode and single line, not bigger than your little finger. Having such energy in so little a container, and the state of the art drifts rapidly into more flexibility. Using new media and introducing it in our societies give us a new responsibility. Would too much media kill the art? I donot think so, because I like the variety of media which give new possibility of expression. The game with new media is the power of creativity and it will find its meaning by itself.
Publication X
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Mirror of Light

None Hologram
St Polten, Österreich
Mirror of Light
Lightsculpture None-hologram
- Authors: Dietmar Öhlmann
- Published 2000, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4149 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2000), pp.260-264.
Holography for large scale Installation
Abstract: The making of holograms is better understood than their uses. As an artist who studied holography in Liverpool and at the Royal College of Art in London in the fine art section, I like to use this media in a quite unusual way avoiding the well-worn cliches of Laser-Light-Kitchen- Object-Table-Top-Photography and all these horrible, greenish, blinking plastics. After seeing a master and being introduced to its potential and being inspired by artists such as Rod Murray, Rick Silverman, Margaret Benyon, and Peter Miller I used to spend more time in the Laser- Laboratory than in my painting studio. However, this is no longer true. I have been working on the Millennium-Project since 1996. The project is the idea of Werner Lindemann who is creating a gigantic Amphitheater. On this site, I have the opportunity to meet all sorts of artists and craftsmen, such as opera singers, ceramics designers and architects, to whom I introduced several different large scale projects. Forced to work out installations of a minimum 20 square meters in dimension, I have developed what I call the None- Hologram.
Publication X
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Buchtip: Maßlose Bilder, Visuelle Ästhetik der Transgression, Ingeborg Reichle, Steffen Siegel

The Phaeno
2007 created Dietmar Öhlmann for phaeno Wolfsburg, Model from Zaha Mohammad Hadid
Maßlose Bilder, Visuelle Ästhetik der Transgression
Ingeborg Reichle, Steffen Siegel
- Artikel: Architektur ohne Maßstab. Digitale Visualisierungen im Entwurfsprozess.
- Authors: Nicole Stöcklmayer, 2009
Diskussion über das Syn4D Hologramm im phaeno. Frau Stöcklmayer definiert und analysiert auf Seite 293 die Technik und Vorgehensweise des Künstler Dietmar Öhlmann: „Auf Grundlage des, von Zaha Hadid Architects zur Verfügung gestellten, digitalen 3D Modells des Entwurfs, definierte Dietmar Öhlmann (Syn4D) die räumliche Position, Perspektive und Animation. Das mit Texturen und Beleuchtung ausgearbeitete und in Szene gesetzte, digitale 3D-Modell bildet die Basis, um die Parameter für die Kamerafahrt in 2.500 verschiedene Perspektiven zu rendern. Diese errechneten Einzelbilder wurden danach mit einer speziellen Software in ihre einzelnen Pixel zerlegt und in einem holografischen Pixel (>>sub-holograms<<) zusammengefasst. Die >>sub-holograms<< summierten sich anschließend zu jenem holografischen Fenster, das heute im phaeno ausgestellt ist.“ Für Frau Stöcklmayer führt die „vollkommen losgelöste Darstellung des Architekurentwurfs vom städtebaulichen Maßstab,... zu einer Bedeutungsverschiebung, wodurch der architektonische Entwurf nicht mehr als Architektur erkennbar ist.“
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Synfograms: a new generation of holographic applications (Proceedings Paper)

The Talco Express
2007 created Dietmar Öhlmann for Voith
Synfograms: a new generation of holographic applications (Proceedings Paper)
- Published: 01 May 2008, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7001 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2008), 700107.
- Authors: Odile Meulien Öhlmann, Dietmar Öhlmann D.D.S., Stanislovas J. Zacharovas
Abstract: In these past 30years, Holography has been mainly used in museum for exhibitions itself. Now, in our digital world, Space – time coordinates can be printed as digital Holograms, giving a new educational tool to museum. Digital 4 dimensional files are available as DICOM in medicine, CAD in Engineering and Architecture, and as 3-D scan format in Geography and digital Archaeology. Our experience with museums shows the interest of digital holography especially for its visual, educational and attractive capacity of presentation. Presentations in museums required from curators almost a scientific approached of what is possible with what they dreams to use for their exhibitions. Syn4D™ is offering a full service of imaging creation and display of synthetic 4dimensional information called Synfograms. The main advantage to use digital holograms lay in the capacity to create, not just reproduce content in time and space, showing what otherwise would not be possible to explain and visualised. The price, the additional lightning, and limited mass production still make the media a luxury. We provide the interface between the conceptual ideas, printable file, and final display which communicate the museums need, and the technology. According to the museums, we have been working on different applications and presentations types, which will be illustrated in this lecture.
Syn4d GmbH Braunschweig
Holographic thinking

Let it Flow
Exhibition from Odile Meulien Öhlmann in Millenium Braunschweig
Holographic thinking (Proceedings Paper)
- Published: 2000, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 4149, p. 246-253 (2000). .
- Author: Odile Meulien Öhlmann
Holographic thinking is everywhere although we do not realize it. Turn on your TV and you will see many representations of holographic images. It is in many science fiction movies, as well as in books and the news. Now, start your computer and search the Web. What do you see, a screen with plenty of little boxes or frames, each one containing information. You can choose to go deeper by clicking here and there, but ultimately all the little boxes are related to each other. What do you have? A holographic principle where each point stands by itself, containing the whole entity while composing part of it at the same time. The following paragraphs, discussing and evaluating the characteristics of holographic thinking can be read in any order you wish. Each paragraph contributes an understanding of just one aspect of all the ideas which cannot be limited to this paper alone.
Odile -sociologist and Culture Analyst
Artists and collectors

Micro Hologram- by Dietmar Öhlmann
The world seen in one Dot
Artists and collectors
- Published: Proceedings Volume 2333, Fifth International Symposium on Display Holography; (1995)
- Author: Odile Meulien Öhlmann
`Where can I buy holograms?' `Where can I exhibit, there is no more gallery to show me?' These are the two complaints I have heard these past two years, first from the collectors and museum curators, second from the artists, Trained as a psycho-sociologist, I have been the curator and research associate of the Museum of Holography in Washington, D.C. for 7 years, at a time when holography was coming out of the laboratory, creating a real 3-D novelty in people's minds. I saw the mass production growing and the applications multiplying. Meanwhile the artists appeared and started to deal with gallery managers. After the renting period of artworks for exhibits, price went up. The general recession affected the art and the dialogue between collectors and artists became harder. Having my husband as an artist, I know pretty well both sides. My paper tries to analyze the situation to facilitate the communication between artists and collectors.
Odile -sociologist and Culture Analyst
3D and Education

Exhibition and training Groupe Scolaire Jean Monet
3D and Education
- Published: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 415, conference 1
- Author: Odile Meulien Öhlmann
Today the industry offers a chain of 3D products. Learning to "read" and to "create in 3D" becomes an issue of education of primary importance. 25 years professional experience in France, the United States and Germany, Odile Meulien set up a personal method of initiation to 3D creation that entails the spatial/temporal experience of the holographic visual. She will present some different tools and techniques used for this learning, their advantages and disadvantages, programs and issues of educational policies, constraints and expectations related to the development of new techniques for 3D imaging. Although the creation of display holograms is very much reduced compared to the creation of the 90ies, the holographic concept is spreading in all scientific, social, and artistic activities of our present time. She will also raise many questions: What means 3D? Is it communication? Is it perception? How the seeing and none seeing is interferes? What else has to be taken in consideration to communicate in 3D? How to handle the non visible relations of moving objects with subjects? Does this transform our model of exchange with others? What kind of interaction this has with our everyday life? Then come more practical questions: How to learn creating 3D visualization, to learn 3D grammar, 3D language, 3D thinking? What for? At what level? In which matter? for whom?
Odile -sociologist and Culture Analyst